Sunday 23 November 2014

How to register NGO in Pakistan?

There are four ways by which a Non-Governmental Organization or NGO can be registered. These are by four different statutes. These include:-

1. The Companies Ordinance, 1984
2. Volunteer Social Welfare Act, 1961
3. The Trusts Act, 1882
4. Societies Registration Act, 1860

The best one is known as Foundation and its registered under section 42 of the Companies Ordinance, 1984. It is registered at all Pakistan level. However, the process of its registration takes 3-6 months time. Further more its registration is costly for the newbies. A foundation registration process costs around 150,000 rupees including the professional services of a lawyer.

Most people do not prefer to register an organization under volunteer social welfare act, 1961. Such an organization is registered with a lot of hastle as it requires clearance from the special branch of police. The process of registration takes around 6 months time in this case. The organization so registered is called a Non- Profit Organization or NPO. Usually it costs around 60,000 for the registration of a NPO including the lawyer's fee..

Trust is the easiest and the best organization registered under the Trusts Act, 1882. It is best for the newbies. Some of the top organizations in Pakistan are Trusts which include big names like Shoukat Khanum Memorial Trust, Zindagi Trust, Sahara Trust, Zeba Ali Trust, Al-Noor Trust, etc.. A trust can be created by 3 people only and its registration time takes only 2 to 4 weeks.. Trust Registration process costs around 40,000 Rupees including the lawyer's professional fee..

Society is the most commonly registered NGO in Pakistan. However, it is not a feasible option recommended by most lawyers to their customers. The reason is that the persons registering a society are bound to furnish all resolutions in the office of local government from time to time. Societies are hard to run because they involve the participation of many people and the top management is always in trouble to get things approved from the General Body of the Society. The process of society registration takes 3-6 months time.. It involves procedural cost of around 50,000 rupees including the lawyer's fee..

For more on NGO registration process in Pakistan feel free to contact at

Salman Yousaf Khan (Golra)
NGO Lawyer

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