Thursday 24 November 2011

Procedure of Khula in Pakistan

Khula is an Islamic right of Muslim wife. She can take khula from her husband on many grounds. Some of these grounds are discussed in the section 2 of West Pakistan Dessolution of Marriages Act, 1939.Moreover there is no right of appeal, right of review, right of revision and writ that lies once khula is granted by the court.

The procedure of khula is very simple in pakistan. The wife has to file a plaint in the family court demanding khula. She has to leave haq mehr when she applies for that. Khula is usually granted in 4-6 months in Pakistan when it proceeds ex-parte and in other circumstances it also do not take much time. For more you can always consult me at

Salman Khan Golra


  1. What if there is a three year old child from this marriage and the husband is not living together since past three years. Also that there is no clue of where he is since last one year.

  2. AOA,
    My Wife has left me and applied for khula couple of days ago, now we do not want to be seperated. Please advice what to do?

  3. salam please tell me .

    i love my wife so much i am in saudia but her mother dont want to us together and she has turned her daughter mind now she is asking for khula .
    she said she will go in court how can i stop ?

  4. Bro unfortunately seems like there is noone to answer you, as in fact you are asking wrong person. These people JOB is to break people homes not to unite them. Nowadays I'm expecting to through same thing and I can feel your feelings. May Allah have mercy upon all of us aameen.


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Salman Yousaf Khan
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