Friday 19 April 2019

Difficulties in NGO Registration in Pakistan

There are four statutes that govern the NGO registration procedures in Pakistan.

1. The Societies Registration Act 1860
2. The Trusts Act 1882
3. The Volunteer Social Welfare Agency Act 1961
4. The Companies Act 2017

Out of these four statutes ban has been imposed on first three procedures. The fourth one is now the official procedure which takes long time for registration. Similarly if a person starts complying with the requirements of the Companies Act 2017, it is not necessary that the NGO may be registered even after a year's struggle.

It seems that the Government of Pakistan is no more encouraging the process of NGO registration. Therefore the new entrants in the NGO industry almost have no scope. However, if you like to register a NGO for fair purposes then with some struggle its registration is possible. You can contact for NGO registration.

Salman Yousaf Khan (Golra)
NGO Lawyer


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Lawyers Network